Board of Directors
The Sudbury Market is run by the Greater Sudbury Market Association (GSMA). The GSMA is a non-profit organization incorporated in Spring 2019 and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The board consists of vendors, customers and members of the Sudbury community.
Now accepting applications for new board members! Please click here to apply!

Erin grew up in the small Northern Ontario town of Larder Lake. After living in South Korea for a decade - Erin, her husband Stephane and daughter Indie moved back to Canada in 2016 to start their own hydroponic farming business in Sudbury, Ontario. In 2019, they expanded their operations into a 23000 square foot indoor growing facilty in Opasatika.
Erin Rowe

Born and raised in Northern Ontario, Sarah has always fully immersed herself in her community by volunteering and working with local organizations and businesses. She is extremely passionate about the environment and grew up camping and hiking around the Sudbury area. A long-time supporter of the Sudbury Market, she is excited to get the chance to help contribute to its continued growth. Sarah graduated from Laurentian University in Forensic Science and is currently working as a veterinary surgical assistant.
Sarah Bird

Brittany is a proud co-owner of The Ugly Barn Farm which specializes in growing gourmet mushrooms out of Markstay, Ontario. She was born and raised in Sudbury, attending Laurentian University for both undergraduate and Masters Degrees. Her research focused on restoration ecology, but her passion has also grown into the uses and cultivation of mushrooms and fungi. Having founded the Voyageur’s community garden in 2010, her drive to continue to produce, as well as share local and sustainably produced food has grown. She has previously been on the FoodShed Project board and Nasha Rodyna board. Brittany is looking forward to bringing ideas to the table and continuing with the great work of the Sudbury Market.
Brittany Rantala-Sykes

Michelle was born and raised in Greater Sudbury and is a Registered Dietitian serving the community here is Sudbury. She graduated from Laurentian University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology in 2014 and from Toronto Metropolitan University with a Bachelor’s of Science in food and nutrition in 2017. She then completed the Northern Ontario Dietetic Internship Program through NOSM and gained experience through various community partners. She currently works at St. Joseph’s Continuing Care and Finlandia Village as a clinical dietitian and teaches Nutrition in the promotion de la santé et de l’activité physique program at Collège Boréal. Michelle is a new mom and is passionate about teaching her daughter farm to table principles, healthy eating, physical activity, sustainability, and gardening.
Michelle Blanchard

A transplanted American, Thomas Merritt has been going to the Sudbury Market for longer than he’s lived in Sudbury. In fact, the Market community was one of the things that drew him to the city. An avid rower and paddler, Thomas chaired the Northern Water Sports Centre (NWSC) Board during construction and runs the NWSC Accessible Sport Program. A husband and father, Merritt is also a Professor and Canada Research Chair in the Laurentian University Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Thomas Merrit

Émilie Hébert was born and raised in Sudbury, and is the owner and operator of La Baguette Magique Bakery. She graduated from Laurentian University with a Bachelor's degree in Social Work in 2016. Throughout her studies, as well as over the course of her childhood, Émilie always had a passion for baking. After graduating, she explored the possibilities of turning her passion into a profession, deciding to enroll in both the RISE Small Business Start Up Program, and the Regional Business Centre Business Start Up Program in Sudbury. After having successfully completed these programs, she officially launched La Baguette Magique Bakery and has been a full-time vendor at the Sudbury Market ever since.
Emilie Hebert

Anne is the owner operator of OMGoodness Soaps located in Sudbury area and is a full-time vendor with the market.
Anne Godin

Information coming.